As of 1/25/17 we have the following Federal tax filing forms in the library:
- 1040
- 1040A
- 1040EZ
- Instruction books for you for the 1040 and 1040EZ.
- A copy of the Federal Tax Guide 2016, which will answer many tax questions. You are welcome to copy from it, free of charge.
- We also have a copy of the IT 201 NYS form – and you are welcome to copy from it, for free. We expect filing forms shortly.
You can go online and print current tax forms at this library for free. Or you can always ask us to find and copy a form for you.
To Go Online for Forms and Instructions:
(IT-201 = Full year NYS resident form)
Please note: As of 1/25/17, not all forms for 2016 are online and there is no deadline for placing them online. You have to keep checking – or ask us!