Looking for a Job? Need Career Help?
For advice on job-seeking, resumes, cover letters, and more:
Visit Long Island Cares New Paths to Achievement (June Career Workshops and Individual Appointments)
Call 631-853-6600 (Suffolk County Employment Center Career Counselors)
Do you need a job this summer? Looking for a new job or career? Here are a few links to get you started:
For all other needs, including self assessments and salary information, please visit: https://www.careeronestop.org/
Quick Tips:
Youth and entry-level job seekers should maintain a resume that is one page in length (though there are exceptions); to achieve this, make sure your document margins are set to “narrow” (0.5”) and that all text is single spaced
When looking for positions, try to visit the job page of a particular company, rather than relying on third-party sites like Indeed or ZipRecruitor. These sites are good resources, but the most up-to-date information will be directly on the employer’s website. For example, if you would like to apply to Dime Bank, go directly to dime.com and go to the Careers Section, then filter by location
Research the organization you are applying to — Glassdoor and LinkedIn are good places to start
If you are a current college student or have obtained a college degree, contact the Career Center at your institution/alma mater as they will be able to assist you in your job search and may have alumni services available