Summer Reading Clubs

To Be Completed Once

Family Reading Program
Little Explorers

(For infants to children entering Kindergarten in September)

  • Children and their caregivers can sign up online or in person to win prizes for reading! Sign up for programs and participate in our reading challenge together all this summer!
  • For every 3 squares completed on our fun, themed bingo sheets, earn a raffle ticket to take a chance on winning a family raffle basket.
  • Every Friday, pick a prize from our prize bucket and we will put your earned raffle tickets in the raffle bag of your choice. There are 6 raffle baskets to choose from. Winners will be drawn at the end of the summer. 

Reading On My Own Club
Avid Adventurers

(For youngsters entering grades 1-5 in September)

Sign up online or in person to win prizes for reading! Sign up for programs and participate in our reading challenge together all this summer!

Click Below for the Reading Form

Click Below for the Reading Form

Click on the link below, complete the form, and receive a reading certificate from your NY State Senator!